2015 : XUsed Started as a used cooking oil collection company.
2016 : XUsed began its pilot project with 2 schools in collecting recycle materials.
2019 : Me12Pay & XUsed launched 'Learn & Earn' recycling program to all schools nationwide expanding 'Earn and Recycle' with corporate, community & commercials.
ME12PAY is a one-stop solution centre that provides services using a simplified payment solution making online and offline transactions safer, easier, more flexible and affordable.
XUsed is in bussiness of collection recycle materials in schools, residential housing estates and corporate buildings, and thereafter pay the value of the recycle materials collected to the participants.
ME12PAY support the technical platform and solutions to XUsed recycle programs in implementing the cashless ecosystem, digital & systematic process flow.
Objective and Achievements
Cultivate recycling culture, promote environmental awereness and increase entreprenuership through Xused Learn & Earn Programme via
ME12PAY's Cashless Payment System.
1. The Recycle items collected are paper, tins, aluminiums and also used cooking oil.
2. The recyclable items will be weighed and the total weightage will be calculated with estimated value.
3. ME12PAY card will be reloaded as per value of recyclable item weightage.
4. ME12PAY card can be used at the canteen, bookstore, Koperasi or payment for any fees in school.